绫濑遥 堤真一 滨田岳 平山浩行 田口浩正 高岛政宏 近藤正臣 风间杜夫 八岛智人 平岩纸 宇梶刚士 飯尾和樹 加藤谅
Battle of the Dragons Froggo and Droggo Grand Duel in Magic Ninja Apocalypse The Serpent
Daigoro vs. Goliath Great Desperate Monster Battle:
梦判断 然后是恐怖体验 梦想判断 然后进入恐怖体验 Into the Dreams… And Horror Experiences
Monster SeaFood Wars Cuisine Three Monsters Gourmet
Yamata no Orochi Gyakushū Eight-Headed Giant Serpent's Counterattack
Tômei ningen to hae otoko The Invisible Human and the Fly Man Murdering Mite Transparent vs.
19 Nineteen
The Great Buddha Arrival
Napoleon and Me
圣斗士星矢:起源 圣斗士星矢:开端 Knights of the Zodiac Saint Seiya: Of The Live Action Film
Sekai saigo no hibi The Last Days of the World
桥本甜歌 小林裕吉