The Great Madcap
阿尔贝托·索尔迪 诺尔玛·本格尔 Gabriella Conti Ugo Attanasio Cinzia Bruno
The Scientific Cardplayer Scopone Game
Divorce - Italian Style
In China They Eat Dogs 盗匪情缘
The Five Days
可怕的姑娘 讨厌的女孩子 The Nasty Girl
Like a House on Fire The Firemen's Ball and Lottery
赫德罗的法律 Herod's Law
魔法师的猫 卡桑德拉猫 That Cat The Cassandra Who Wore Sunglasses When the Comes
Perfumed Nightmare
Homer Abiad Iñigo Vito Maria Pehipol Patricio Abari Bernarda Pacheco
Suspected Death of a Minor The Suspicious
End of a Priest Konec farare
狗脸岁月 My Life as a Dog
小牛(台) 维蒂洛尼 流浪汉 青春群像 Vitelloni The Young and the Passionate
西蒙·西涅莱 马塞洛·马斯楚安尼
我记得 想当年(港) 阿玛珂德(台) 当年事 童年事 想当年 我的回忆 I Remember
Who Sings Over There
三人行 La ballade de Bruno
The Original Fabulous Adventure of Baron Munchausen 吹牛大王历险记
荒岛绝情 Swept Away