飘零燕(港) 海蒂 阿尔卑斯山少女海蒂
鹰翔 Engineer Andrée's Flight The of the Eagle
拿破仑宫廷风云 拿破仑回忆录 拿破仑
拿破仑宫廷风云 拿破仑回忆录 拿破仑
The Original Fabulous Adventure of Baron Munchausen 吹牛大王历险记
哲古华拉少年日记(港) 骑士日记 革命前夕的摩托车日记(台) 机车环游日记 The Motorcycle Diaries 摩托车日记
梦幻世界 The Brothers Lionheart
野生捕获小肥仔(港) 搜寻世外野人(台) 寻找蛮人 神鬼嚎野人 Wild Pork and Watercress
移民 The Emigrants
King Kong: The Eighth Wonder of the World
凡多与莉丝:谜之旅(台) 凡多与丽丝 Fando and Lis Lis: Tar Babies
Michael Lake Melissa Davis Norman Boyd Rhys
A Deadly Invention 恶魔的发明 The Fabulous World Of Jules Verne for Destruction
On the Silver Globe The
On the Comet
200 Meters 瞒天过界(台)
Lemonade Joe
Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche Tsering Tashi Gyalthang Tulku Kungzang
Thomas Kretschmann Florian Stetter Petra Schmidt-Schaller
丛林儿童 Jungle Child
Thomas Kretschmann Florian Stetter Petra Schmidt-Schaller
Goodbye 20th Century Wake Up Dead Man
草原骑手 Children of Genghis Chingesiin huuhduud