We sail for exploration,we sail for discovery,we sail for sail,but we will not stop sailing for what we called risk and possible death,this is an astronaut‘s fate,and we are proud of it. p.s.土星五号,永远滴神!
是也乎,( ̄▽ ̄) if we can dream it, we can do it!
好象这是 NASA 机仓大门上刻的名句....
不仅仅因为总统的大话, 也是 NASA 代表的人类好奇心, 经过持续努力人类可以作到什么地步, 这部记录片展现了科技发展的真实一面, 当然不科学的另外一面可以对比看看朝鲜战争的记录片, 解放军的精神核子弾一点儿也不比 NASA 差...可惜, NASA 能想办法持续吸引投资50年, 中国没有任何一个项目象古代长城那样连续几百年来嗯哼了....为什么?
Best documentary ever! Hats off to NASA, who accomplished the greatest adventure and exploration of humans in the last 50 years! Even with the retirement of space shuttles, we as human, should never ever stop exploring.
简介: 节目以“沉浸式实景演绎+电影化拍摄+AI赋能文旅探索”为核心模式,直击名篇诞生的瞬间,生动讲述十一位唐代大诗人跌宕而传奇的人生故事,多手法展现他们的文学才情、壮志豪情、爱国真情,从而深度挖掘中华优秀传统文化的深厚底蕴和时代价值
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